Join us for Virtual Café Scientifique | Bacteriophages in Human Health and Disease on Thursday, February 16 at 5:00pm (PT)

Bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, are a frontier in human health. Phages are some of the best studied organisms on earth with critical roles in biotechnology. They are also highly abundant in our bodies, outnumbering both our own cells and the bacteria that produce them. However, we are just beginning to understand the roles that phages play in our own biology. Here, we will explore the fascinating biology of bacteriophages and their interactions with both their human and bacterial hosts. We will highlight recent data from our lab and others implicating bacteriophages in human disease. We will also discuss efforts to use bacteriophages to promote human health.

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Paul Bollyky, MD, PhD

Paul Bollyky is an Associate Professor and infectious disease physician at Stanford University School of Medicine. He received his D.Phil at the University of Oxford, and his MD at Harvard Medical School. He then completed his residency training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital followed by his fellowship training in Infectious Diseases and Immunology at the University of Washington in Seattle. His lab studies trans-kingdom interactions between bacteriophages, bacteria, and their human hosts, and is interested in understanding how these interactions contribute to health and disease and in using bacteriophages to treat chronic infections.

About Café Scientifique:

Café Scientifique is a place where anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology. The Café provides a forum for debating science issues outside a traditional academic context. We are committed to promoting public engagement with science and to making science accountable - all spoken in plain English. There is no admission charge to attend our events. Building on its great success outside the United States, Café Scientifique Silicon Valley is the first such Café on the West Coast. We meet monthly to discuss a variety of science topics.

About HanaHaus:

HanaHaus is a community workspace that combines the best aspects of café and coworking culture and cultivates a dynamic atmosphere for innovation. The concept of HanaHaus is rooted in the philosophy that great ideas spring from anywhere, and more often when people come together. HanaHaus brings people together and offers a space where they can connect, explore new ideas, and bring them to life.