Join us for a special HanaHaus event with Chris Yeh, co-author of Blitzscaling and co-founder of the Global Scaling Academy.

Blitzscaling (n.): A technique for rapidly scaling companies by prioritizing speed over efficiency in the face of uncertainty.

Evaluate the scalability of your business with The Blitzscalability Grader:


Blitzscaling isn’t simply a matter of rapid growth. Every company is obsessed with growth. In any industry, you live and die by the numbers—user acquisition, margins, growth rate, and so on. Yet growth alone is not blitzscaling. Rather, blitzscaling is prioritizing speed over efficiency in the face of uncertainty.

You might wonder why anyone would ever pursue blitzscaling. After all, it combines gut- wrenching uncertainty with the potential for a much bigger, more embarrassing, more consequential failure. Blitzscaling is also hard to implement. Unless you’re like Microsoft or Google and can finance your growth from an exponentially growing revenue stream, you’ll need to convince investors to give you money. To make matters worse, you have to keep enough capital in reserve to recover from the many mistakes you’re likely to make along the way.

Yet despite all of these potential pitfalls, blitzscaling remains a powerful tool for entrepreneurs and other business leaders. If you are willing to accept the risks of blitzscaling when others aren’t, you’ll be able to move faster than they will. If the prize to be won is big enough, and the competition to win it is intense enough, blitzscaling becomes a rational, even optimal strategy.

  • Blitzscaling overview (25m)

  • Introduction of Blitzscaling Canvas and Blitzscalability Grader Tools(10m)

  • Case studies of well-known companies evaluated using the Blitzscaling Canvas (15)

  • Q&A: (10m)

Chris Yeh | Co-Author of Blitzscaling & Co-Founder of Global Scaling Academy

A writer, investor, and entrepreneur, Chris has had a ringside seat in the world of startups and scaleups since 1995. He is the co-author, along with Reid Hoffman, of Blitzscaling, the book that explains how to build world-changing companies like Amazon, Alibaba, and Airbnb in record time.

More information and registration here.

About HanaHaus:

HanaHaus is a community workspace that combines the best aspects of café and coworking culture and cultivates a dynamic atmosphere for innovation. The concept of HanaHaus is rooted in the philosophy that great ideas spring from anywhere, and more often when people come together. HanaHaus brings people together and offers a space where they can connect, explore new ideas, and bring them to life.